Find & Manage a Utility Account
Link and Pay a Utility Account on PayIt Fort Smith - Video Tutorial
After creating a PayIt Fort Smith profile (See Create a Profile on PayIt Fort Smith), link a utility account and pay your utility bills quickly and easily. Watch the below video tutorial to get started: After linking your utility account, see our...
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Link a Utility Account on PayIt Fort Smith
Follow the directions below to link a utility account to your PayIt Fort Smith profile: 1. Visit PayIt Fort Smith, click Continue to PayIt Login and sign in (see Create a PayIt Fort Smith profile). 2. Under the "Available Services" sectio...
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Account Usage
You can now easily access a usage chart and table for your water account. Just log into your PayIt Fort Smith profile and follow these steps If you haven't already linked to your account, please see How do I link a utility account to my profile? ...
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How do I remove a utility account from my profile?
Follow the steps below to remove a utility account from your PayIt Fort Smith profile: 1. From the PayIt Fort Smith dashboard, select Remove an account. 2. Next, select the account(s) you would like to unlink from your profile and then cl...
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