Pay a Fort Smith utility bill
After locating your account (see Link to a Fort Smith Utility Account), follow these steps to pay your utility bill on PayIt Fort Smith:
1. From the PayIt Fort Smith dashboard, click Available Bills and then select the blue Pay Bill button.
Note: If you just looked up your bill using the Link Account feature, skip to Step 2.
3. Click Pay Total Amount Due.
Note: To pay a partial amount, see Make Partial Payments Towards a Fort Smith Utility Bill.
5. Enter your contact information and click Submit.
6. Click on the cart icon in the upper righthand corner of the screen and click Checkout.
7. Select a payment method, add a new payment method and then click the blue Pay $--.-- button to complete your payment.
Note: If you have a stored payment method, it will automatically appear here. If you have not added a payment method before or are proceeding as a guest, select Choose Payment Method to add a credit/debit card or bank account.
After completing your payment, you will receive an email confirmation. If you are signed in to a PayIt Fort Smith account, a receipt will also be stored in your profile (see Where Can I Find My Receipts?).